Friday, August 8, 2008

8 weeks more to go!

**I wasn't able to go to boot camp yesterday...we had a sick kitty so I spent the time at the vet. Luckily, she's fine!**

Headed off to boot camp this morning and go there just in time. There was another new person there today and ME. (Actually her first day was yesterday.) She's another FIT one....accustomed to working out and enjoying it. She brought her 2 kids with her, which the other FIT one does too. However the new chick's kids wouldn't sit down and be quiet. They are and 2nd grader, but STILL! When the other chick brings her kids, we don't hear a peep from them. The kids today kept yelling,"Mom, is that hard?" or "Mom, that doesn't look very hard."

I'm sorry, but when I'm working my butt off, barely able to catch my breath, I don't want to hear kids screaming junk!!

Okay...vent over.

Today was a little different. Instead of doing a minute on each station, then a minute on a cardio thing, we worked on 2-station pairings. For instance, we worked on one thing for 3o seconds, then switched to something else using the opposing muscle for 30 seconds. Then we repeated, on the same 2 stations. Then we immediately moved to the next pair. I went through it all, and of course, Mr. Candy had to keep rushing me, "Come on..gotta finish it...gotta get to the next station....come on, no resting" That's what he's there for though.

Something was different today though. Even though each station was hard and I was gritting my teeth to finish, it didn't seem as hard. I don't know if it was because there wasn't any cardio in between or if it's easier for me. Probably both!!

I plan to walk this weekend...not sure if just one or both days. When I walk though...I plan to walk at least 3 miles.

Today I'm feeling thinner...and it's not a thin week of the month! haha


Menjiness said...

I am so proud of you! I told you, you would just know when it was time and it sounds like it is YOUR time!!! I am very proud of you!!!