Friday, August 8, 2008

8 weeks more to go!

**I wasn't able to go to boot camp yesterday...we had a sick kitty so I spent the time at the vet. Luckily, she's fine!**

Headed off to boot camp this morning and go there just in time. There was another new person there today and ME. (Actually her first day was yesterday.) She's another FIT one....accustomed to working out and enjoying it. She brought her 2 kids with her, which the other FIT one does too. However the new chick's kids wouldn't sit down and be quiet. They are and 2nd grader, but STILL! When the other chick brings her kids, we don't hear a peep from them. The kids today kept yelling,"Mom, is that hard?" or "Mom, that doesn't look very hard."

I'm sorry, but when I'm working my butt off, barely able to catch my breath, I don't want to hear kids screaming junk!!

Okay...vent over.

Today was a little different. Instead of doing a minute on each station, then a minute on a cardio thing, we worked on 2-station pairings. For instance, we worked on one thing for 3o seconds, then switched to something else using the opposing muscle for 30 seconds. Then we repeated, on the same 2 stations. Then we immediately moved to the next pair. I went through it all, and of course, Mr. Candy had to keep rushing me, "Come on..gotta finish it...gotta get to the next station....come on, no resting" That's what he's there for though.

Something was different today though. Even though each station was hard and I was gritting my teeth to finish, it didn't seem as hard. I don't know if it was because there wasn't any cardio in between or if it's easier for me. Probably both!!

I plan to walk this weekend...not sure if just one or both days. When I walk though...I plan to walk at least 3 miles.

Today I'm feeling thinner...and it's not a thin week of the month! haha

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


I'm doing all I can to believe, but gosh it is SO frustrating!!! I can see a difference in my endurance and my strength. I can even see a difference with a few inches (not many, but a few). The scales haven't budged. It can be so depressing when I'm working so hard!

Today's BC was okay. I made it through so that's all that mattered. There were only two of us again today. I CAN proudly say that I've kept with it when the other women dropped out for one reason or another.


I have to remind myself of that from time to time. To be quite honest, I haven't truly wanted to QUIT. I haven't even thought of quitting...I guess that's a good thing. What I think of most is how hard it much I don't like it. I try my best to pull up my big girl panties and remind myself that I'm in this shape because of not taking care of myself. I remind myself of the strength and endurance I've built and how I AM taking care of myself now. And to shut up about it! LOL

I got myself into this's up to me to get myself out of it.

How I wish I could be one of those "textbook stories". You know....the stories of how my condition and my stick-with-it-ness touched some trainers heart and he wanted to take me under his arm and mold me into a "mini"-him......know what I mean? How come I hear all these stories about how things just fall into place for people?? Why can't things just fall into place for ME?

I know...poor old me. Get over it!

Today I've gotta believe...if my strength and endurance have increased, I must be doing something!

~~~Just keep swimming
~~~Just keep swimming
~~~What do we do
~~~We swim.

Thanks Dory ;)

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

I'm back at it!

Sorry for being MIA for the last week or so. Apparently I DID overdo it and I was unable to go back to boot camp Thursday and Friday (2 weeks ago). Then last week, we went on a "last hurrah" before school starts back. We spent the week on Lake Erie with our family BFFs. We brought our weights and our plans for exercise...but they didn't do any good. We had a good, relaxing time though.

Yesterday was interesting. I don't want to forget some details so I'm adding them here.

I was so tired when we got home on Sunday. I took 2 naps and I was still tired! Before going to bed that night, my son asked me if I was going to boot camp the next morning. I told him I wasn't sure, and he lovingly told me, "Mom, you need to go! You've missed a week and you need to get back into it. Why don't you go to bed early and get up and go?" (Little snot!)
Anyway...that night, I DID go to bed early, but I didn't set my alarm. I thought I'd just see how I felt when my husband got up for work. If I felt okay, I'd go ahead and get up.

When my husband left for work, it was about 5:30am, and I hardly remember it. But as I lay there in bed, something very strange happened. I went back to sleep. The next thing I know, I hear my mother calling me like she always did...first and middle name! And I answered!!! "Ma'am?" I mumbled into my pillow. That's actually the moment I realized I had heard her call me! Then I heard, "Get out of bed!" I opened my eyes and looked at the clock. It read "7:05"...the time my alarm clock WOULD have gone off, IF I would have set it.

I can only think it was an incredible dream. But it was nice. My mom is trying to help me avoid dying an early age like she did.

So anyway...I was back at it. And I thought I'd surely die!!

After a week of total debauchery with food and drink and no exercise, my body was ready to KILL me. It was rough. I'm sure it was the food and drink of the previous week...very few healthy things and nowhere NEAR the amount of water I should have been drinking. I didn't have my usual banana for breakfast either, and apparently a tablespoon of peanut butter and a handful of grape tomatoes isn't enough!!

I slept in this morning, but I'll have my class tonight with the bunny so I won't be missing a workout today.

Yesterday, Mr. Candy talked about what we're going to do after school is back in session. We'll have our workouts in the morning BEFORE school.....BEFORE the chickens are up even!! We'll meet around 5:15AM for exercise to get our day going...woohoo! (And that is said totally tongue-in-cheek!) I'm planning to do it though. I've gotta keep it up.

I've gotta believe this is working. I'm believing this is making me healthier.