Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Hope I haven't overdone it!

This morning I got up and made it to boot camp, and one of the husbands was there!

It was so funny! I LOVED seeing a fit man grunt! Obviously he worked out...he had a few ripples, but he grunted just like we do. Boy I felt good! There we were...grunting, sweating, grunting, squatting, dripping...and he was too! I was really inspired by the fact I was able to keep up with all of them...even a man!!

This afternoon was so beautiful, my friend and I took the kids to Dawes Arboretum to walk/hike. We took a picnic, with limited empty calories of course, and plenty of water. We walked/hiked around for about 2 hours. But I started slowing down towards the end because my knee was feeling a little odd.

In 1997, I had ACL replacement surgery due to tearing it away from the bone during aerobics see! Exercise isn't ALWAYS good for you! haha Anyway, from time to time, the knee swells and gives me some grief. Luckily, it isn't exactly painful...just quite a bit of pressure on the joint.

By tonight, it's pretty swollen. I'm not sure what I've done, other than my normal workouts. I worked out with the Playboy bunny last night, then with Mr. Candy this morning, but I've done that before. However, Mr. Candy DID have me stepping up onto a block almost as tall as my legs are long!! haha I think they were probably about 25" tall. That's a BIG step for short legs!! For a minute, I had to step up and down off the block, alternating legs. I found out my left leg is alot stronger than my right, which is odd because I'm right handed, plus my left knee is the one I had surgery on!

I'm sitting around with ice on it tonight. I'll be up in the morning and back at Boot Camp. I can't stop now.

Remember...pain is just weakness leaving the body!

~~~Just believe~~~

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

I can't get it right!

Okay, today was okay. I missed morning boot camp, but I did the evening one with the bunny.

After much self-examination and discussion, I've discovered my diet has been healthy food!! Much of my calorie intake has been empty calories. I was keeping within my 1200 calorie/day, but some of the calories were things like Baked Lays or 100 calorie pack cookies. I thought I was being good by monitoring my calories....they weren't healthy though. My body couldn't use them, so it seems to be holding on to the fat. Even though I've not been hungry, my body can't use the junk I've been feeding it! Lightbulb!! That makes perfect sense!!

So I'm working at it again...gotta refine my eating now.

Still sweating gallons every day!

I gotta believe I can do this!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Another Monday to sweat!

Today was a pretty routine day, except for one part. I didn't get that "I'm dying!" feeling. I worked hard today, and I kept up with the other 2 ladies for the most part. I did my fair share of sweating and grunting, that's for sure!

I'm having a problem though. I'm not seeing results. I've been at this since June 9th. I've eaten healthy most of the time, with a few cheats here and there. I watch my calorie/nutrition count on Sparkpeople, I drink my water everyday....why am I not seeing the results? I DID have a week off during the July 4th festivities...but I did 2 personal training sessions that week. When I was visiting family down South, I missed camp, but I did work out 2 days and walk 1 day.

*sigh* isn't the best day.

But I gotta believe if I keep this up, it WILL happen.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

"Strong finish for the weekend!" he said.

Friday morning, I got up and headed out to BC. There were only three of us there....don't really know what has happened to the other chicks, but if/when they come back, they are going to regret it!

Mr. Candy is increasing the difficulty of what we do.

There, that's strong enough to be a sentence by itself!

I knew my muscles were getting stronger and that I was able to do more or do things longer, but I was surprised at what I was able to do now. For example, we do this exercise that's a yoga move. It's where you are on your hands and knees on the floor and then you lift your leg straight out behind you while lifting the opposite arm straight out in front. (I'm sure it has a name!) Anyway, when we started, we had to lift a 15 lb. weight in each hand...not just the arm in other words! Yesterday, we were lifting 20lbs. It wasn't too rough though. I expected to 'feel' more, but not too bad. Go muscles! :)

I had a couple of 'puke' moments too. Just that yucky, "Oh no!" feeling, but they went away, luckily! I hate that feeling, but now that I know it's good, I'm really trying....bleh!

I have today (Sat) off. Tomorrow morning I meet the Bunny for our BL training session, which I've heard is kinda rough, but surely it can't be worse than the walking at her house on Thursday. We'll be meeting at a park, and I've been there before. The hills there are NOTHING compared to the ones at her place!! LOL

I'm off to enjoy a day with my scrapbooking friends.
See ya tomorrow.

Today...I just believe....cause I'm DOING THIS!!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Keep on keeping on!

This morning, I woke up.

That's the GOOD news!!

I was so sore, I could hardly move! I knew it would be rough when I went to bed sore last night...but this morning, it was so much worse!! It was all I could do to drag my body to the bathroom to pee!! :)

All of that said, I did not go to BC this morning. I didn't beat myself up about it though...I knew I'd see my bunny trainer tonight...and I did.

She emailed to confirm the time and asked about me, so I told her about being so sore. She said we'd just walk for our workout tonight. On one hand, I was glad that's all it was. On the other hand, I'm glad this is 'makeup' workouts and I didn't have to spend any extra money on just drive to HER and walk in her neighborhood. Granted, the neighborhood was unreal!! The whole entire place is hills! Surely when there are hills, there has to be places going down, but it sure didn't seem like it!

Anyway, we walked and I kept up, for the most part. There was one other chick there.

I'm still going strong. My next workout with the bunny is Sunday morning, so I'll have a 6 day workout for the next few weeks.

I'm just believing....

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The Loner....

Well....last night was my first session with the Playboy bunny trainer. We did a lot of the same things we've done before....squats, curls, crunches....kinda in a circuit. In between each set, we did some sort of cardio. She made the squats a little more interesting though. She dropped a deck of cards on the floor and we had to squat to pick them up one by one. I was worried I wouldn't be able to work as hard because of my morning workout yesterday, but it was okay. I was proud of myself!! There were other women there who were really having a hard time, but I was keeping pace and even doing a little jogging in between weights! I kept thinking they HAD to be looking at me and wondering how the fat chick could keep up?! LOL That motivated me!! And...I kept my secret. I didn't tell them I've been working out since June 9th!!

This morning, I was a little sore when I got out of bed. I arrived at Boot Camp about 5 minutes early. When we started (on time), it was just me....and it was for the whole entire hour!! When I told my DS, he thought that would surely be the only one for the trainer to yell at...and it did at first. But the longer I worked out, the more I came to like it. I had my own personal training session and I had his undivided attention....not because he's Mr. Candy, but because of the motivation.

Yesterday I wasn't too thrilled with him. For some reason, it does me a lot of good to hear,"Good job!" or "You can do it...push yourself!" I don't know why the external motivation is helpful, but it is. Unfortunately, for the most part, he's not very motivational. He does make a few comments here and there during class, but it's general. Maybe I just don't take it personally when we are all there....or maybe I just need the personal attention. Who knows? Either way...he kicked my butt today!! Almost sick to my stomach.....almost!! I asked him about that feeling. He says it's good to feel that way! WTH?? He says it's proof that you've worked your body to it's limit and for quick results, that's the way to do it. I asked Cyn about it too...and she said the same, so I guess they know what they are talking about!

Tonight I'm pretty sore though. I guess that's a good thing too. Bev told me about a shirt she has..."Pain is a sign of weakness leaving the body." I thought that was a good saying for the I adopted it. Think I might even make a shirt to say that. (She offered hers to me, but my girls won't fit in an XL yet!!) I'm thinking I'll be more sore in the morning after sleeping tonight.

Today I just believe...
...I can do this.
...I didn't get this way overnight so it won't be fixed overnight.
...I'm getting healthier everyday (because surely if this could kill me, I'd be dead already!)

I gotta keep on, keep on, keep on.....believing. :)

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Back to the old grindstone

Today was my first day back at Boot Camp. I'm happy to report I did.not.die or puke...although I was close a couple of times!

During the week of the 4th, we didn't have classes, but I attended 2 personal training sessions. Then, last week we traveled to Louisiana to visit our family. I was really worried about missing sessions, so I arranged to go to a gym while I was there. I wanted to go everyday, but we were there to visit family, right? I managed to get to the gym twice, and then one day we walked the trails of a new park...about 2 miles. I was conscious of my eating, for the most part. I think I averaged one bad meal for every two good meals. It's not the perfect scenario, but it's much better than 3 bad meals a day! We got back home around 3AM Saturday morning, so Sunday was a day of recouping...and so was Monday. DS and I ended up at the pool....I'm able to sit and rest especially with a good book in my hand!

The best part about the workout was that I was able to keep up with the other ladies!! We did all the usual exercises...nothing unusual...and I was able to hang with them! One of the other ladies complimented me on keeping up after missing camp for 2 weeks. That felt REALLY good!!

I came home and had my breakfast of an egg and toast sandwich. I always eat a banana on the way to camp, so when I add a glass of 1% milk, I've had a pretty good morning meal.

Tonight is my first night at Boot Camp 2! I hope I'm able to keep up with these ladies! I signed up with my BF, but she can't be there tonight. It actually started last week while I was gone, so I'm a week behind...but I'm thinking positive!

The bad news....I think missing out on BootCamp for so long has my motivation wavering. I really didn't want to get up this morning. In fact, I was "talking" to myself yesterday and the 'dark side' was saying,"This boot camp thing is really messing up my summer sleeping late." But I told the 'dark side' to shut up!! HAHA!! Doing this now will help me to be able to sleep late for many MORE years!

I didn't get this way overnight so I can't fix it overnight...
One day at a time...
One meal at a time...
One snack at a time...

I have to just believe because the feeling isn't real today.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


Well, I did's official. I paid my money today to sign up for my 2nd Boot Camp. Have I lost my freakin' mind?? Ohhhhh....I don't think so!! After paying the lady to kick my butt today, I had to get on the scale for a beginning weight since this one is a focus on weight loss.

I was SHOCKED to see that I've lost 11 pounds since I started this journey! WooHoo!!
~~~Go Me-e, go me-e!~~~

I knew I had lost inches, but I wasn't really sure about actual weight.

And now for the BIG news...

I weigh less now than I've weighed in 4-5 years!!

It's a victory! It's working!

I'm just believing!!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Another boot camp??

You won't believe what I'm doing NOW! What am I saying... I don't believe what I'm doing.

Tomorrow morning, I am registering for another Boot Camp! This one is offered twice a week by the personal trainer I met yesterday, Beth. It's being done like a Biggest Loser Camp. There is a money prize of $100-150 (depends on the number of participants), a hair/make-up makeover, mani/pedi, and a spray tanning session.

Since I'm doing so well, and my dedication level is really high right now, I decided it sure couldn't hurt! Plus, my metabolism should really be up because of my regular boot camp, so I should have a pretty good chance of winning, right? The sad part's not the offer of money that entices's the hair/mani/pedi!! I'm planning to end this summer A LOT thinner and healthier than I started it, so I want to look *H*O*T*! :)

Check out her website...when I grow up, I wanna look like Beth!

Today...I believe...100%!!