Tuesday, July 22, 2008

I can't get it right!

Okay, today was okay. I missed morning boot camp, but I did the evening one with the bunny.

After much self-examination and discussion, I've discovered my diet has been healthy food!! Much of my calorie intake has been empty calories. I was keeping within my 1200 calorie/day, but some of the calories were things like Baked Lays or 100 calorie pack cookies. I thought I was being good by monitoring my calories....they weren't healthy though. My body couldn't use them, so it seems to be holding on to the fat. Even though I've not been hungry, my body can't use the junk I've been feeding it! Lightbulb!! That makes perfect sense!!

So I'm working at it again...gotta refine my eating now.

Still sweating gallons every day!

I gotta believe I can do this!


Cyn M said...

Keep a good food diary and you will see what you can USE and what you can discard! I know it isn't much fun - but there has to be some GOOD in there!

I am rooting for ya honey!!!